STAR-SLA want to give Learners aged 16 to 19 the opportunity to continue their Education in the Motor Industry.
This qualification is for learners who have a keen interest in the motorcycle maintenance and repair industry and are looking to progress into employment within this industry.
What does this qualification cover?
The content of this qualification has been designed to develop the learners understanding of the motorcycle maintenance and repair industry. It will develop the specialist technical knowledge and practical skills required to work in this industry alongside the development of wider transferable skills.
The mandatory units cover essential knowledge and skills such as; health & safety, supporting job roles and materials, fabrication, tools and measuring devices. These mandatory units develop the transferable skills required to work within a number of job roles within the retail motor industry.
The mandatory specialist units focus on specific technical knowledge and practical skills the learner will require to work in the light vehicle maintenance and repair industry including; routine motorcycle maintenance, motorcycle engine systems and components, the removal and replacement of motorcycle electrical units and components, motocycle chassis units and components.
The range of optional units provides the learner with the flexibility to acquire additional knowledge and practical skills to supplement their skills developed through the mandatory specialist units. The optional units include; the preparation and inspection of motorcycles and agreeing motor vehicle customer service needs.
As a result, learners successfully completing this qualification will acquire a significant core knowledge and practical skills which spans the motorcycle maintenance and repair industry, transferable skills required to work within a number of job roles in the retail motor industry and additional knowledge and skills to enhance their employability.
Learners will be required to undertake Functionl Skills Level 2 in English and Maths.
If you would like to join us in September 2020 use the link below to make your application.